The Red Barn
Who doesn’t like a bright red barn? There is something irresistible about this barn that is on Highway 16 just outside of Smithers, BC. When I see it, it is like a welcoming beacon saying, “Almost there!”
Last March I got my India inks out and decided to work with them. Mostly I wanted to work on my tonal values and hopefully apply the ink skills to my paintings. I had also been watching a lot of Landscape Artist of the Year and a couple of the artists were using India inks for the competition.
So out came the inks and brushes and pen nibs and I started on black and white pictures. I would take colour pictures and paint them using the black ink. I didn’t change the colour pictures to black and white, which in hindsight, would have made things easier; however, I don't think I would have learned as much. Now when I look at a landscape, I find that picking out the darks and lights much easier.
I spent a good six months playing with India ink, but I missed colour. That’s where this barn came about. A splash of red seemed to make the picture look great.
I think I will have to bring out my inks again soon.