It’s Yellow


Well I did it. I finally managed to get my paintings into the local artists’ cooperative. This was quite an accomplishment for me, and not for the reason you may think. The reason why it was a challenge was because I was holding a grudge, and for a while still quite insulted by the treatment that I received there.

You see, two years ago I applied to join the cooperative and was denied. I received a short 3 sentence email saying that, “they were full to capacity.” Hmmm. This was interesting, because at the same time they let three other artists into the cooperative. I am not sure of all the goings on behind the scenes there, but I do know a crock of caca when I see it.

The truth of it is this, my work is and was good enough but they weren’t ready for me. That’s okay. It was a good exercise is forgivenesses. I am not perfect, never have been. Every once in a while I need to remember that things aren’t black and white. It is all greys. My story isn’t the only story. To forgive is Devine.

This painting is is like this journey. The yellow of the float is so bright and so calming. You can’t stay angry when looking at yellow, and I couldn’t either. It is a brand new day.


A Older Style